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I have a valve stem seal leak!

"At least that is what I've told by my mechanic. Can Motor Purr help?"

Our short answer is yes. If your higher mileage car is smoking too much, or it is is burning too much oil, or both, it could be a hydraulic valve stem seal leak.

These long, narrow valve stems operate from your crankshaft (in your crankcase) up to your intake and exhaust valves. They include by a rubber neoprene seal which is meant to keep the stem in place, and also to keep the crankcase oil from escaping up the stem and to the valves.

These rubber seals are prone to shrinking as they age, and oil does eventually get past them to the combustion chamber, where it burns.

Replacing these seals is possible, but it is far easier, and often just as effective, to swell them back to their original size.

We have been helping car and truck owners repair valve stem seal leaks for decades with our proprietary Tune Up liquid, in about 20 minutes.

Too much smoke and oil burning
Valve Stem Seal Leak Repair

Call with any questions. 409-787-1321

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