Gas & Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner
Our Gas & Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner, octane boost, and fuel stabilizer, will increase the fuel efficiency of your vehicle by dissolving and removing gum, varnish, and carbon buildup throughout your entire fuel system. It also reduces emissions, including diesel particulates, and extends diesel regeneration intervals.
1 BOTTLE = $18.00/BOTTLE
2 PACK = $14.00/BOTTLE
3 PACK = $12.00/BOTTLE
12 PACK = $10.00/BOTTLE
How to Use
Add one bottle of Motor Purr Gas & Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner to the fuel tank. One bottle will treat 3 to 20 gallons of gasoline or diesel.
Drive the vehicle for 10 minutes in low gear, working the product through the fuel system.
Be careful NOT to spill this product on any painted surface.
For additional benefits pair with Motor Purr Tune Up